Maine Endwell High School students are learning the ins and outs of beekeeping with the addition of the new after-school bee club.

Students from all grades are welcome to learn about bees, why they are important to nature, and how to maintain bee boxes.

"A lot of people think of bees as being kind of scary with the stinging and all that, and the students are coming in and realizing that bees are very important, they're very friendly, and they're fascinating," NATHANIEL BROWN, MEHS Bee Club Advisor.

The new club currently has six official members and they oversee two bee boxes on campus that have over 30,000 bees in them.

Students make all of the hive shelves, and boxes, and even get equipped with their very own bee suits for safety.

"I think it's really fun to be in, I tried honeycomb, like raw fresh honeycomb for the first time ever and that was a really fun experience. So overall, if you're looking to try something new or be a part of something, it's definitely worth a try, " said 9th grader Jorja Ziegler.