Activists congregated outside of the Greater Binghamton Transportation Center today, protesting the actions of a Broome County Security officer. 

The activists handed out food and clothes to the local homeless while displaying signs to passerby.

The alleged assault happened nearly two weeks ago at the center after a community member began recording and questioning an officer about previous alleged attacks on homeless at the station.

Kenny Brown, founder of the Hunger Resistance who helped organize the protest, explained how events like these build accountability.

"We need to show up and show out just to show people and the county that we won't stand idly by and watch these things happen because usually, in the sense of government, bullies thrive when ignored and we want to bring accountability to the government and to the Broome County security," Brown said.

Brown says he and other activists will return to the center for a second protest sometime next week.

Broome County Security could not be reached for comment today.