As of 2023, Broome County is home to almost 4,000 small businesses.

Thanks to the help of Binghamton University's Small Business Development Center, food-based entrepreneurs are learning the ropes. As the sessions enter its third year, SBDC Business Advisor Robin Alpaugh says one question always comes up, rules and regulations. 

"There are many different rules depending on which county you're going to start up. And our particular region is 12 counties. So you might have 12 different sets of rules," Alpaugh said. "We try to make sure that they understand that."

Rules that will help businesses officially open their doors to customers.

Speakers from the Small Business Administration, CCE Broome County, and SUNY Broome Entrepreneurship Assistance Center gave those in attendance advice on finances and loan guarantees.

But one of the most beneficial things for small businesses is networking. 

"Those entrepreneurs are out there right now, and our goal is to connect them with those resources so that they can become the next success story in Broome County," Alpaugh said.