During this Women's History Month brought to you by NYSEG, we've been highlighting the work of suffragettes in our area, but tonight instead of look to the past we want to introduce to one of today's impactful women.

Suzanne McLeod is the Coordinator of Educational Leadership at BU. She helps prepare teachers, social workers and other school staff prepare for the state exam to become an administrator. A transition she knows a lot about. 

"I transitioned from a teacher myself into an administrative role and basically have done everything from assistant principal to principal to director, assistant superintendent in the business function, and spent the last 11 years of my career as the superintendent of the Union Endicott schools."

But, that's not how she initially envisioned her career. 

"My dream was to be a director, like a Broadway director. And so got out of college would be doing, you know, very off, off, off, off, off, off off-Broadway kind of things," she explained. "But I still had to pay the bills. So I had gotten a teaching license and was teaching during that during the day. After ten years of that, I realized teaching was my true love and theater not going to be a career."

She says while it's important for administrators to have connections to other in the same roles, it's important them to develop positive relationships with students. 

"Those of us who work in education, you look at you look at the mirror every morning when you're brushing your teeth and you know what you are doing you're doing for children. And there are very few other higher colleagues than that because kids are not empowered. They don't vote. They don't have economic power. And so we're their avenue to getting a better life."