Fox 40 is honoring teachers and staff in our community who go above and beyond. This week we go to Oxford Academy High School, where English teacher Jennifer Scaturro continues to show unwavering dedication to all of her students. 

Mrs. Scaturro was in the process of teaching a Robert Browning poem, "My Last Duchess", when we got the chance to see her in action. She wasn't sure if her students would respond to the poem, given the writing style is from the 1800's. But thanks to Scaturro's teaching, they caught right on. "I asked my seventh period class and they did like it! They like it now!" Said Scaturro. 

Scaturro's excitement to teach, just makes her students more excited to learn. When her senior students heard Scaturro was being recognized, they made sure they came back to the eleventh grade classroom to show their appreciation. As said by Mya-Rae Roy, “I’ve never really like English really, but at the beginning of her class, she really pushed me. She taught me that I can have fun in class if I apply myself.”

Scaturro's room is full of reminders of the love from her students. From the painted ceiling tiles of students who receive a score of 97 or higher on the Regents Exam, to a bulletin board of thank you notes. It's clear she will inspire students for years to come.

Congratulations Mrs. Scaturro!

If you have a teacher you would like to nominate, be sure to reach out to our newsroom at [email protected]!