For over 100 years, United Way of Broome County has worked to improve lives by creating the opportunities people need to build a better future for themselves and their families. Throughout the years, we’ve made a real difference by supporting a variety of services, projects, and programs people turn to when they need help: assistance in finding shelter, a safe place to be after school, access to warm meals, and disaster relief in times of need.

Times are changing and the challenges facing our community today are increasingly complex.


Our new Community Commitment Plan builds on a solid foundation laid over the past century and confirms our commitment to do more. It provides clarity of focus about our priorities and a renewed sense of purpose in how we approach our work. We will work to become innovative, more nimble, and better able to respond to emerging priorities. A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will be embedded in everything we do, and we will challenge both our partners and ourselves to find new and better ways of working together. We will set clear objectives, base our strategies on solid research, and foster partnerships across all sectors to build momentum for change. We will work to ensure success and sustainability, and continue to build awareness and understanding of key issues facing our community. As we drive greater impact in our community, we will also make our own internal operations more efficient and effective.

Our new Community Commitment Plan will strengthen United Way of Broome County’s capacity for making lasting, measurable improvements, in both individual well-being and in community-wide social conditions.