The Democratic 6th Judicial District nominates Judge Elizabeth Garry as their Supreme Court Justice Candidate.

Garry is running for re-election in the only open position in the November election.


Currently, she's on the Appellate Court, the Lead Attorney of the 6th District in the 3rd Department, and one of four judges handling the State's appeals.

This elected position has a 14-year term, and works at the highest level of the trial courts in the state, focusing on court policy-making.

"I hope that voters will re-elect me because I do my best every single day to serve them, to serve justice, to work with fairness, to work with dignity, to do all of the things that are so very important in our nation and in our government. And I've done my best; I hope voters will see that. I'd like to continue to serve," said Garry.

Today's (8/8) Convention at the Traditions at the Glen stayed within CDC guidelines by requiring masks and social distancing and limiting the event to 50 people.

For more information on Garry, click here.