"I manage it on my own. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it at the end of the day," said Marty Palombo

A lot of work is an understatement. Palombo begins his day around 7am and the work doesn't stop until after the shop closes at 9pm.

"Pretty soon it'll start getting busy with the chickens. And from the chickens it goes right into the ice cream," said Palombo.

The shop features a large menu of Perry's ice cream flavors. 

"Hard we have 32 and soft, depending on the season, we have 4," said Palombo.

It's not just the ice cream that keeps people coming back. Smarty's Corner is famous for it's chicken, available every Tuesday thru Sunday.

"Almost everybody that walks through the door has been here before, literally thousands come in through the years and they're from Endwell, Vestal, Endicott, West Corner, all over the place," said Palombo.

Despite its popularity, Marty doesn't make a habit of counting nightly customers.

"You never really look at it that way, you look at the receipts at the end of the night," said Palombo.

If you want to try Smarty's chicken and ice cream, head to the West Endicott location any day from 11am to 9pm. For more information, click here.