Mercy House Set to Welcome Residents in February
Monday, January 4th 2016, 8:43 PM EST
Three years of planning and preparations went into establishing the Mercy House of the Southern Tier. Now, the area's only residential home for the terminally ill is just weeks away from opening its doors.
Contractors are busy putting the final touches on Mercy House. The facility will soon be a home where terminally ill residents can receive top-notch care throughout their final days.
Mercy House, located on North McKinley Avenue in Endicott in what was once St. Casimir's church, will begin welcoming in residents the week of February 8th.
There's room for up to ten residents, who will be selected by Lourdes Hospice based on need.
At mercy house, residents will receive 24 hour care from Mercy House staff and volunteers, private bedrooms, and open visiting hours -- at no obligated cost to the resident or their family.
Mercy House officials say it's their mission to embrace the terminally ill -- regardless of their financial situation or religious beliefs.
"Regardless of denomination or no denomination, we would like everybody to experience the unconditional love of God as they answer their final days," Anthony Paniccia, president of Mercy House, said.
The Mercy House project comes with a price tag of $1.5 million. Officials say help from the Lourdes Hospital Foundation, and an outpouring of community donations, have helped cover nearly two thirds of that cost.
But they still have about $600,000 left to raise. If you'd like to donate,