By Jason Weinstein.

Relatives are detailing additional plans to support the surviving victims from Monday morning's fire in Johnson City which left two young children dead.

Erica Kurtz, who lost her three- and four-year-old sons, and her friend Jessica Baxter are recovering from their injuries in Syracuse. Relatives and friends have established Go Fund Me pages for both women. Baxter's cousin says plans are also in the works for a November 6th fundraiser, though details are still being sorted out.

He says baxter suffered burns over 70 percent of her body and faces surgery, maybe as soon as Friday. He says Baxter and Kurtz were more like sisters than friends.

"Two young girls that wound up in a tragedy because someone miscounted in a romance. This is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this is the worst case of domestic violence anyone has seen lately," said Cody Kniskern, Jessica Baxter's cousin.

There will also be a benefit for Kurtz at St. Michael's Church on Clinton Street in Binghamton on November 14 from 4pm-8pm. The fundraiser will feature a chicken parm dinner and raffle.

38-year-old Dwight Burton is charged with arson and murder in connection to the fire. There is a pre-trial conference in his case scheduled for Friday afternoon at 4 in Johnson City Village Court.

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