Montrose Residents Celebrate Independence Day

Montrose residents are expressing their love for the red, white and blue.
Thousands of people lined the streets in Montrose, Pennyslyvania watching as more than 100 floats came down in this the city's annual Independence Day Parade.
The Kiwanis-Lions-Rotary service club chose "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness" as this year's theme.
The floats that judges felt depicted this theme best, received cash prizes ranging from $50 to $200. There was also a special appearance by the Montrose Marching Unit Alumni Band who performed on the courthouse steps after the parade.
"To me the importance of the event, all day long, is we can kind of showcase Montrose as small America. Small town America and how we respect and honor our country and all the freedoms that we are lucky to have," said Executive Committee Member for Montrose July Fourth Celebration Ed DeWitt.
The day of celebrations also included races, a chicken barbecue, more than 125 arts and crafts exhibitors and fireworks at the Montrose High School.