As temperatures are heating up officials want to remind you to be careful while out enjoying the sun.

According to the Center for Disease Control, 675 people die from complications related to extreme heat each year in the United States.

Heat complications include heat stroke and heat exhaustion, but the two can often be confused.

Doctors are saying symptoms can affect anyone no matter what age and there are certain signs to keep an eye out for.

"Sometimes it gets confused with heat exhaustion, they're two different entities. Heat stroke is usually a condition where you're having neurological symptoms based upon extreme heat exposure. So they can have fatigue, you know they may be very weak. They may have episodes where you have poor neurological functioning and that's considered an emergency and you need to go to the hospital right away.

Heat exhaustion also has fatigue you're tired but you still have your neurological function you're still awake, you're alert."

Doctors also say the best way to combat heat exhaustion or heat stroke is to prepare properly.

Things like sunglasses, sunblock and resting often while outside can prevent injury.

For more information on heat stroke symptoms and prevention head to