The almost 12 and a half million dollars earmarked for Binghamton University to rehab Binghamton's old Inebriate Asylum Castle vetoed by Governor Cuomo could soon once again make it's way to the area.

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo said the veto was caused because a procedural error in how the project was transferred from the SUNY-Upstate Medical Center to BU caused the money to be appropriated in an improper way. Lupardo expects the Legislature to pass a fix which would send the money back to BU to renovate the Castle.

"Everyone is very committed to the project and the money is still there in the budget. We're just going to have to before the end of the session just pass a technical fix to move the project along," said Lupardo (D-123rd District).

The legislative session ends the third week of June. BU President Harvey Stenger has said the Castle could be used as classroom space, or a place for start-up companies and artists.