A Union man is leading a lawsuit against the National Pipe and Plastics Facility in Endicott for what he's calling hazardous environmental impacts to the surrounding area.

Endicott resident Dennis Ede called in the Department of Environmental Conservation to investigate what impact plastic and pipe pieces may have on public parks and water tracks in West Endicott.

The DEC officer on the scene today did not speak to us today because the investigation is ongoing but Ede sees what he feels is pollution to be harmful to the health of the surrounding residents.

"It's not only the particulars that you see. It's the powder and the dust that you don't see that has fallen into the catch basins and so forth in the Nanticoke Creek. It's also noted that it falls into the aquifer which is the water that you drink," said Dennis Ede, the lead plantiff in the case.

National Pipe and Plastics referred comment to the company's attorney because of the pending lawsuit. We have not heard back from that attorney after seeking comment.