During a ceremony on Monday morning, the SUNY Broome community honored veterans for their service. In his opening remarks, the college president, Kevin Drumm, recognized that the school started shortly after World War II as a result of the GI Bill. It was a place for veterans to seek education and train for a career. Drumm says today, veterans are still a big part of the student population. 

Vietnam Veteran Merwin Fuller was a student at SUNY Broome in the 1970s. Fuller was a linguist in the army and is now back at SUNY Broome, this time teaching french as an adjunct instructor.

"When I was a student here back in 1973, there was... no one was hostile to me, but it was just that people were tired of the Vietnam War and stuff," says Fuller, "It was kind of like everybody didn't talk about it. Just kind of ignored it, sort of thing, and I think it's wonderful that they have this and they have this monument here for the veterans."

Aside from the veteran monument where the ceremony takes place every year, there is also a veterans lounge in the Student Services Building.