James Wales was convicted in 1984 for the rape and murder of 12 year old Cheri Lindsey in 1984 and was sentenced to 33 and a half years to life in prison, and has been denied bail 5 times since becoming eligible in 2017.

He was denied twice in 2023 due to a request for medical parole due to a non-terminal medical condition.

Local leaders gathering at the Broome County District Attorney's office to urge the New York State Parole Board to deny Wales' parole request, including Broome County District Attorney Paul Battisti, Binghamton Police Chief Joseph T. Zikuski, and Broome County Sheriff Fred Akshar, along with the Lindsey family.

"We come here today, standing unified in solidarity to send a crystal clear message to the New York State Board of Parole: James Wales must spend the rest of his life in prison.  It's horrible that every two years, the Lindsey family has to be revictimized. They have to go through this process every two years to ensure this heinous individual remains where he is," Battisti said.

Letters to the New York Parole Board can be submitted online at https://docs.ny.gov/form/letters-in-support-or-opposition.