BCAC Asking For Donations for Art Sale to Benefit Local Artists
The Broome County Arts Council is asking the local community for artwork donations.
"So what we do is we collect donations from the community through the month of January," said Ann Pellegrino, who serves as the Gallery & Marketing Associate for the Broome County Arts Council. "Artworks that are in your collection, maybe you're not using anymore. Maybe it's just not your style...giving people an opportunity to clean out your closets, clean out your storage space, clean out your basement."
The BCAC is planning to take the donated artworks and sell them as part of the RE/Collected Art Sale to raise money for the organization's Artist in Residence Program, which provides local artists with studio space to create their own works.
"We aim to give all the artists a small stipend that they can use for living expenses, they can use for art supplies, whatever they might need during that month that they're here," said Pellegrino.
The BCAC is accepting donations through Saturday, January 25. The RE/Collected Art Sale is scheduled to begin First Friday, February 7th at 6 p.m. and run through February 15.
For more information about the Broome County Arts Council, click here.