Teacher of the Week: Ben Post
In this week's teacher of the week, we head to Chenango Valley High School to highlight 2nd-year Social Studies teacher Ben Post.
Teacher of the Week is sponsored by Springbrook.
Ben Post is in his second year of teaching at Chenango Valley and two years into his career.
So far, he said he's been enjoying teaching in a smaller school district.
Post says, "It's like a small enough school where I get to make connections with each student that I have small classroom sizes. And it's very much like a district that's in line with how I like to teach. And it is pushing me to kind of, you know, work on the stuff that I'm good at and I feel like I have found this, but I'm enjoying it"
Post said growing up, his family had a background in teaching and education so he always considered teaching an option.
Post said, "I wasn't sure if I wanted to at first, but like the closer I got to kind of graduating college, the more I was like, this is so in line with what I'm into. I'm a people person. I like making connections and it's completely in line with basically my worldview."
Now in his second year, Post said he's found his groove and likes to keep things simple in the classroom.
"So I like to facilitate activities where they're the ones they're discussing. They're talking about the topics themselves and I get to kind of stand in the background and I jump in and add context or follow-up questions or whatever it may be. But I like it for most days. You come in my room and I'm not the one talking," said Post.
He feels this style of teaching allows the kids to retain more information and grow together.
As he continues his career, post said he most looks forward to new challenges and opportunities to grow himself.
Post says, "I think that's what's super exciting is like each year you get a new batch of kids that present completely like different perspectives and different challenges or whatever it may be. But I'm always growing and, you know, whether it's year five or ten or 30, then I'm still looking to improve. And I think that's really cool."