City of Binghamton Mayor Jared Kraham announced earlier on Tuesday, November 11th that a parking ticket amnesty program will be available for all parking tickets prior to November 25, 2024. 

"Our really intent with the amnesty program is to really just get people to kind of clean up some of their past bills," Kraham said. "You know, you get a parking ticket, you put it in your glove box, you forget about it, and you get late fees and other fees"

From November 15 to December 31, the city of Binghamton will waive late fees and penalties on unpaid parking tickets from this year.

During this amnesty period, the total cost of any parking ticket issued by the city may be paid at the initial rate. However, not all tickets are able to be forgiven. 

"If you were caught parking in a handicap spot without a proper handicapped tag, that carries a pretty hefty fee and fine from the state, that's not something that we can waive," Kraham said.

Last year, the city of Binghamton collected $438,000 in parking ticket revenue last year. As of October this year, the city issued about over 3,400 parking tickets and Binghamton was owed over $195,000 in unpaid fines. 

Binghamton last offered a parking ticket amnesty back in 2020, where they collected over $66,000 in ticket revenue.

"While certainly, you know, getting some last money into the city's coffers is an important part of this, this is really a service to the residents, letting them know that we want you to pay your ticket," Kraham said. "We don't want to charge you a nickel and dime you these extra fees, just get this cleaned up."

Those with parking tickets can pay here or in-person at Binghamton City Hall.