Six Mile Creek Vineyard
The vineyard has grown to a total of 6 acres planted in several white varietals: Chardonnay, Riesling, Cayuga White, Vidal Blanc, Seyval Blance and Vignoles. While Chardonnay struggles, the others do reasonably well in this unlikely location—Vignoles and Seyval best of all. The winery grows no red varietals in its vineyard due to the fact that winter temperatures at Six Mile are more extreme than those of vineyards situated closer to the lakes. Consequently, the winery relies considerably on other growers along the shores of Cayuga and Seneca lakes for all of its red grapes and for supplementing white varieties when necessary.
In his winemaking, Roger aims to achieve a balance between technical and subjective methods. He favors a minimalist approach, believing that frequent tampering with a wine’s natural development detracts from optimal flavors and taste. He also advocates fine tuning through creative blending.